Useful Information About Crime Reference

( Cognizable offense-
Police crime is a cognizable offense, in which the police have the power to arrest warrants without the offender.
(Ii) Non-cognizable offense-
The offense, which can not be held without a police court's warrant, is considered a non-cognizable offense.
(1) Cognizable offense complaint-
The officer in charge of the police station can be given written or verbally. Writing a verbal complaint at the same time, the complainant can read it and take a copy of it and it is given free of charge to the complainant. Such complaints can also be sent through post. Out-of-the-post can also be complained in this manner.
(Ii) non-cognizable offense complaint-
Complaints of non-cognizable offenses can be given at police station. Whose notes are made in a non-cognizable complaint register. The offense is not registered. The investigation is done after receiving the court's permission.
Every cognizable offense is investigated by the FIR.
Complaints should be made especially if the person who is victim or who is present at the time of incident or the relative of the victims, relatives, friends or the incident.
In many cases, unprotected corpses are found and it becomes a criminal offense and a prosecutor becomes involved in situations where no complainant is present.
In the complaint police station, the PSO can be made to the police officer present at the spot.
Details of the complainant
Complaints should be made at the nearest police station immediately after the incident.
Report the cause and purpose of the incident in the complaint.
To tell the facts of the incident and to know the present witnesses in the incident, tell the details of the incident.
Keep it in the condition that the police is in place of the investigation until it is in place.
The complainant should read, read, sign and receive a copy of the complaint.
When the prosecutor noticed a false complaint, during investigation, Police B can take action against the complainant in the court proceedings against the complainant.
(B) Investigation -
After registering a cognizable complaint, the police officer is immediately investigated. After going to the place of construction, making Panchananam, taking statements of the Shahid and taking help of Forensic Expert as needed, and after finding evidence in the sufficient evidence against the accused, it is sent to the court and sent to the court for justice.
There is no evidence available during the investigation of the crime, or the accused can not be found that the complaint seems to be wrong, the complaint appears to be wrong, or in the circumstances outside the police force, the investigating officer is asked for different summaries in the following wings.

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