Gujarat NMMS EXAM 2018-2019
Gujarat NMMS 2018-2019: National Cum Merit Scholarship Examination applications forms are now available officially. For complete details read the article till the end. Students who have passed VII class are eligible to apply for Gujarat NMMS Form 2018.
However, apart from VII class pass criteria, there are certain other criteria, which will be considered, complete details on these is given at below section.
Gujarat NMMS Form 2018-19
The applications forms will be accepted in the due course of time. Thus make sure, to fulfil all the requirements.
The Gujarat NMMS Application Forms are put up on the official website of “State Examination Board”. Further details over the same are given below.
Gujarat NMMS Application Form 2018 
NMMS centrally sponsored scheme is conducted by the Ministry of Human Resource Development. A written examination is conducted to handover a scholarship. Candidates who perform well in the examination, they are given a certain amount of money per annum.
Eligibility Criteria
Student must possess 55% percentage marks in case of General Category.
However, unreserved category candidate must possess a minimum 55% marks
Parental income of the candidates should not exceed (1.5) Lakh, including all income sources.
 NMMS Gujarat Apply Online 2018
Students who are eligible they may follow below-provided guidelines while filling up the application form. However, if you require further information over the same you make refer to the ” Information Handout”.
Steps to apply for Gujarat NMMS.
Download the application form
Now fill the application form
Now take it sign of your principal
Attest all the documents such as a photograph,
Income declaration document etc.
Now  the filled application form will be submitted further
to the State Liaison Officer.
In case you are applying individually, then it should be submitted directly to the Liaison Officer.
Before final submit take a print out of it.
Gujarat NMMS Exam Pattern 2018
Registered candidates are judged on the basis of below given exam pattern, the type of questions is used to MSQ with 4 to 5 options.
Subjects                                 Total Number of Questions             Total number of marks
Mental Ability Test (MAT)         90                                                      90
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 90                                                      90
Total                                        180                                                 3 Hours
NMMS Exam Syllabus 2018
Students who appear for the examination, they appear for the MAT and SAT subjects, in order to solve 180 questions, paper , students are given 3 hours duration.
Subjects Details of  Syllabus
Mental Ability Test (MAT)
Numerical Series.
Pattern Perception.
Hidden Figures.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)
Social Studies and
Note: Syllabus that is asked in the NMMS Scholarship exam is as taught in VII & VIII class.
NMMS Gujarat Admit Card 2018
Candidates Scholarship exams roll number are revealed at the time, admit cards are issued. Candidates who register for the scholarship exams are handed over the admit cards. These are published on the official website.
NMMS Cut Off Marks 
In order to shortlist the candidates to hand over the scholarship, the exam conducting authority selects top performers. However, in both the papers, students are required to secure the minimum passing marks, complete details over is given below.
Name of the Exam Un-Reserved Category Reserved Category
Mental Ability Test (MAT) 40% Marks (36 Marks) 32% Marks (29 Marks)
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) 40% Marks (36 Marks) 32% Marks (29 Marks)
APPLY ONLINE :- 30-8-2018   TO 29-9-2018
EXAM DATE FOR NMMS :- 23-12-2018

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